
Hair loss treatment is largely divided into medical treatment and surgical treatment.

Medical Treatment

Currently, there are two medications that have been proven effective and safe by the FDA: Finasteride (e.g. Propecia) and Minoxidil (e.g. Rogaine). 

Finasteride is a drug that suppresses the progression of hair loss while Minoxidil is a drug that thickens the tapered hair roots. Upon consultation, we prescribe appropriate medication considering the patient’s age and hair loss progression. 

Surgical Treatment

Hair transplantation surgery can be simply described as the repositioning of hair follicles from the back of the scalp—where hair loss does not occur—to the hair loss site. 

The surgery can be largely divided into two methods: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT is a method in which an incision is made on the back of the scalp, a narrow hair follicle strip is extracted and processed, and each individual graft is transplanted. 

FUE is a method in which follicular units are selectively harvested and transplanted. 

While FUT has the disadvantage of leaving a thin hair transplant scar, when the number of grafts is the same, FUT has the advantage of taking much less time than FUE. 

The timing of the surgery will be determined in consideration of the patient's age, hair loss progression, genetic history and the past usage of hair loss medications.

Owner : Young Hyun Jang
Address : 2F, 717 Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, Rep. of Korea
Business Number : 504-30-23477
Tel : (+82) 53.425.5824
COPYRIGHT © MoSeng Hair Transplantation Clinic. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.

Owner : Young Hyun Jang   |  Address : 2F, 717 Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, Rep. of Korea  |  Business Number : 504-30-23477
Tel : (+82) 53.425.5824
COPYRIGHT © MoSeng Hair Transplantation Clinic. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.